Ratchet Kit With Hook 07m 03t Orange | GRA
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Ratchet Kit With Hook 07m 03t Orange

Ratchet Kit With Hook 07m 03t Orange

SKU: 16622

Strap for lashing with ratchet is recommended for use in cargo transport, winches and others. With bichromated steel hook and ratchet, providing resistance to the product. The belt has textile fibers, which makes it more resistant to natural wear.

It is resistant to acidic products, preventing incidents such as fire. The items are essential to guarantee the stability and conservation of the load being transported, and it is necessary to understand how the purchased product works and combine its use with other accessories, in addition to mobile turnstiles.

Capacity: 3T

Length: 7 meters

Working temperature: between -40°C and + 100°C.

Safety Factor: 2:1

NBR: 15637 - 1

Cor: Laranja

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